PRG is focused on a more holistic environmental resource management approach: Trees sequester carbon at a faster rate than they release it. Proper management combined with replanting, afforestation, soil management and ecological repair combined with new technologies geared at encouraging greater interests on carbon sinks further slow the rate of carbon release and allow greater amounts of oxygen to be released by basic tree functionality thus building and enhancing our negative carbon environmental footprint (storing > releasing).

Panama – Our Perspective

As a Panamanian company, we have an even bigger responsibility to encourage our clients, workers and affiliates to promote best environmental management practices. Our forests need our good care and our dedicated attention to encourage not just growth, but healthy growth. For example, a 40-year old hardwood tree may hold more than 1-ton of carbon, however the same tree may be preventing other trees from flourishing. With sound management, as one tree sustains a utilitarian need, it also frees up the forest to engender a more mature mix encouraging greater general biodiversity.

We recognize trees have a multiple of functions: homes for fauna and flora, wood for construction, an anchor for soil, sinks for carbon, an oxygen omitter and of course, trees play a role in generating jobs, income and tax revenues without even mentioning tertiary industry. Thus, trees are critical in every respect. As such, while balancing our own ecological and business views, we firmly recognise our role as stewards of our own making.

Of course, it helps that Panama has almost perfect conditions for tree growth: warm, wet climates and microclimates with plenty of sunshine – combinations of factors that enhance production and create plenty of business opportunities. And, in this regard, it is our mission to grow those opportunities across the full spectrum of possibilities for the benefit of the greater good.